Well What Do We Have Here.


Jack Dempsey Enthusiast
Aug 16, 2009
Reaction score
Well, where to start. Hello again! 

I haven't used TFF since the ownership change, which was a couple of years ago now iirc. Partly as i didn't agree with everything that happened and what was said. But anywho, old politics ect. So to those who remember me, aloha! And to those who do not hello also!
I'm still knee deep in my tanks and thoroughly enjoying the hobby, i just stopped all this online forum stuff, when the 'you know what' hit the proverbial fan. What happened to the New World Cichlid section? I mean, I see it....it just seems so quiet, and the journal abundance is none existent. Something i can't live with, and as such i'll be setting mine up again soon (house move due imminently). I've always loved the hobby, but not as much since i stopped using TFF. So i'm going to try and get back into it. This hobby of ours is very much a 'behind closed doors' sort of hobby, unlike my next best past time - my car. Which can be taken to meets/shows, the same is somewhat more awkward with fish and water. So the forum really completes the fun factor for me....so hopefully i can be as enthusiastic as maybe i once was with it, we shall see.
My 280L currently houses 5 Red Head Tapajo's, L160 Pseudacanthicus Spinosus,  2 L340 mega clowns, 1 male BN, 4 Cory Metae, and 5 barbs (forget which). Tank is semi set-up, what with the impending move coming up, so i'll get pictures up once we're all settled.
That's all for now, so CIAO.
It's really nice to see you back, and I'm glad you've been able to put the bad times behind you :)
I'm afraid we just don't have many NWC keepers around any more to keep that section busy, so if you feel like jumping in again, we'd very very happy to see it getting some use!
another name I remember! I re-joined myself again recently and so it's nice to see a few familiar names.
As for the new world cichlid section - well I added a bit about my Laetacara Curvicep cichlids recently and I also tried to add a bit about my angelfish but that got shot down in flames so I walked away from it. It's a shame really but he-ho
Anyway, nice to see you back - hope you enjoy :D
fluttermoth said:
It's really nice to see you back, and I'm glad you've been able to put the bad times behind you

I'm afraid we just don't have many NWC keepers around any more to keep that section busy, so if you feel like jumping in again, we'd very very happy to see it getting some use!
I shall definitely be lurking around the NWC section, as ever. I can only do my bit to regain the enthusiasm from fellow members (for what is in my opinion) the best part of the forum....or was :D
Akasha72 said:
another name I remember! I re-joined myself again recently and so it's nice to see a few familiar names.
As for the new world cichlid section - well I added a bit about my Laetacara Curvicep cichlids recently and I also tried to add a bit about my angelfish but that got shot down in flames so I walked away from it. It's a shame really but he-ho
Anyway, nice to see you back - hope you enjoy
A name i too remember well. Maybe we are a small part of a bigger returning group. Who knows. I've been in contact with a small group of the 'old gang' over facebook ever since we all upped and left. I was bored last night and ventured back on to see the old 'top posters' page, and had a giggle at the names still up there, which i shared on facebook with those up there. Who knows if they'll get curious and come back too. 
I hope i enjoy it too >_< Time will tell.
Hello, welcome back.
Afraid not a name am familiar with, but hopefully will get to hear more of your tanks and look forward to seeing more about the NWC, hopefully that will get livened up, have never seen that section lively at all since I joined a while ago.

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