Weird Worms (Not Planaria)


Fish Crazy
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Liverpool, UK
hey, so i just found some worms that ive never come across before. they appear to be using leaves from a plant as some kind of "shell" or shelter. they look pretty gross and maggot-like and hairy. there seems to be around 5 of them so far.

like i said, ive never seen these before, much bigger than planaria and not all of them are on the glass. ive uploaded a video of them to youtube which ill link below as soon as its uploaded. in the mean time, does anyone have any idea what they are and how to remove them?
Lepidoptera (aquatic caterpillars) Crambidae. I think. I read they are mainly found in the states. Also (if I've got the correct id) they don't live too long in this form. Again if I've got the right creature, they morph into a moth type insect.
Hope this helps :)
after a bit more research, that sounds like you hit the nail right on the head. good IDing skills, and thanks :)

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