Weird Smell


New Member
Apr 12, 2013
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Hi Guys,
I've recently aquired a s/hand fish tank approx 4ft x 2.5ft x 1ft, i've cleaned it out with water and aquarium cleaner and put some stones in it and filled it with water, on wednesday the filter and heater arrived so i've installed them and now there is a plasticy smell coming from the tank and there is no fish or plants in the tank yet, does anyone have any idea what it could be?
thanks in advance :)
Did it for sure start after you added the filter and the heater? My first thought would be that perhaps your heater is malfunctioning...
thanks for your reply, yeah was cleaned out twice and there was no smell then added the filter and the heater in at the same time like i did with our smaller tank and it didnt happen with that one. how would it be the heater a dodgy element?
Could be that the heater is overheating and causing the plastic to melt.
i dunno the temperature gauge on the side of the tank is reading 26 degrees celcius which is what it should be roughly and is the same temperature as our other tank.

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