Weird Disc Around Cardinal Tetras Eye


New Member
Feb 12, 2012
Reaction score
Rainham Kent
Hi I hope someone can help me I noticed on one of my cardinal tetras earlier that it has a clear white disc around its eye it stands out from the eye as if its a scale or the lens of the eye Ive taken a photo but not really sure if that shows it up too well. Could this be some disease or could it have been attacked my another fish? Its the tetra at the top of the photo

Water tests shows
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate less than 10ppm



Looks like pop eye, it could also be an injury causing swelling.

I thought pop eye was where the actual eye was swollen? It's hard to describe the disc around the eye is actually away from the body and just attached around the centre where the eye is, if that makes sense.
Does it look like a clear, bubble like film on the eye, making the eye itself look a little grayish? If it does, it's an infection underneath the eye. Treated with proper water changes daily making the water cleaner, should be fine in a week or so.
Does it look like a clear, bubble like film on the eye, making the eye itself look a little grayish? If it does, it's an infection underneath the eye. Treated with proper water changes daily making the water cleaner, should be fine in a week or so.

It does kinda look like that, just strange that its circumference is bigger than the eye. Problem is I had 6 cardinal tetras and brought another 6 at the weekend so unsure if its one of the originals or one of the new ones.
the fish seems to be swimming about ok and he is eating so guess I'll do some water changes incase and keep an eye on him.

Thanks for your help.


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