Weather/dojo Loach Lump On Head


New Member
Jun 4, 2014
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For a few days my 4 year old weather loach has suddenly grown a lump on it's head. In the first few days it was quite small and was the same colour as the rest of its body, then the lump turned white and now the lump is red! I have never had any problems with my loaches before and haven't made any changes in the tank recently, the last time I added fish/plants was about 5 months ago. My tank is 195 litres/50 gallon and is home to 2 weather loaches, 1 khuli loach, 1 guppy, 1 cardinal tetra, 1 female betta and one kribensis
What are the water parameters? (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) How is the affect fish acting?
How often do you do water changes & how much? What sort of chemicals/treatments do you add to the water?
Can you get a picture? You can upload it by going to 'More Reply Options' at the bottom and attaching file there, or you can upload to a photo sharing website such as photo bucket and link it here.
to the forum btw, sorry something like this has brought you here but hopefully someone can help!
It is possible the loach has scratched itself digging around in the substrate and it has become infected. Do you have a spare tank? if so remove the weather loach and treat with an antibacterial medication, or daily water changes.
What length is your tank? weather loach need a fair amount of room as they are very active.

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