Ways To Tell If You Have Mantis Shrimp?

well, I didn't get round to setting a trap.. the pub called me, then I forgot tbh lol. But I have found something thats not a mantis!
Turned the lights on this morning, and was greated by some large 'shrimp like' antennae and legs sticking out of a hole in a rock! It doesn't look to have much life in it, but just inside the whole are those pincers I spotted a few days ago!


Poke it and see if it's alive. My guess is whatever it is molted, and that's it's skin!
Poke it and see if it's alive. My guess is whatever it is molted, and that's it's skin!


Yeah! poke it and see what happens!.............You'll soon know if it is alive!.........Especially if it is a mantis!

Only joking! Dont put your finger in there if it is a mantis. If you still want your finger in tact! lol
haha, I poked it with a spare spraybar.. it wasn't alive! lol The pincer wasn't attached to it tho, so what that belongs to is still a mystery!
that is a shrimp molt, looks like a pepper or cleaner molt.
Ooh im useless!, No, not as yet! I did remember to set a trap one night.. I only used a shotglass tho as the rock *it* lives in is only small, so a large glass would towered above it. I figured taht something so small (guessing size based on pincer size!) would't be able to get back up a small glass even.. but, I was wrong lol. The bait was gone in the morning, and the glass empty!
I've not got round to another trap yet! :rolleyes:
I'm really intrigued!! I'm sure it's not a mantis bit kinda wanna be proved wrong and see a cool mantis caught!!
Delayed, I know! lol.. I lost track of where he was after moving some rocks around! Caught sight of him last night tho, so I know where he is again!! I didn't get a very good look.. all I saw was some legs just poking out of a crevis, and a black pincer on the end of an inch or so long 'arm', was very strange!

Anyway, I set a trap with a prawn in a glass.. but no luck :(
wow, suprised you aint caught him yet, he must be a sneaky one
Ive also been hearing this and found a hermit shell with a hole smashed in it :crazy:
Seen one of these in action and they are fantastic :) can sell on when you have used it to make most of you money back :D

I have heard a clicking from my tank but until this post I wasn't really concerned. Now I am considering whether I should start worrying. I do have a few crabs in there but they don't seem to do any damage so I let them be.

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