Way To Get New Fish To Eat


Apr 8, 2013
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Grande prairie Alberta
Ok so like the title says, this is a way to possibly get your new cichlids to start eating.

When I first brought mine home they wouldn't eat anything. They would swim up to the surface stare at the food then swim away. So what I switched food thinking that was the problem. Nope turned out the food was just to big for them. So what I've started to do is crush there pellets and then put it in the tank and WOW what a difference that has made. They are like rabbid sharks trying to squeeze thier last meal in haha.

I usually feed them 4 pellets twice a day as my pellets are pretty big but I'm sure I will need to increase that once they start to grow. Hope this helps some people and sorry if this has been covered before :)
New fish may not eat simply because of stress.  They might also not realize that you're their feeder.  Once they get settled in, and know that you = food, they'll be begging for food everytime they see you!
Also, I found with my German Blues that some foods they could not fit in their mouths. Instead of buying more pellets, I switched to beef heart (gross) and brine shrimp. They love both of them and get one meal of each once a week (Sundays and Wednesdays). They fast, for the most part on Mondays and Thursdays, but I do drop an algae wafer for the otos and the corydoras. The rams nibble on these some. Tuesdays and Fridays are vegetable days. They get zucchini or cucumber depending on what I have in the freezer. I take fresh produce, skin it, slice it, freeze it. I take out one slice in the morning and it is ready to go by dinner time. I find it really helps with any potential constipation. My fish don't eat on Saturdays as that is water change day. 
When introducing new fish, I find it helpful to fast the day the fish come in. Then, the next day, if there are already established fish in the tank, they sort of pick up on the cues of the other fish to head to the top at around six in the evening. I've noticed that my fish start swimming to the surface when my dogs get lined up for their dinner. I feed the dogs and then the fish. 
Routine seems to be the key for new fish. I usually feed at the same time every day, so they seem to all be aware of the schedule. It is also important to think about the fish's diet before being introduced to your tank. Some fish which have only eaten live foods are more hesitant to take processed. Likewise, those who eat only processed may be a little confused about eating live food or fresher foods. Most stores will tell you what they've been feeding. 
It is always important to give your fish time. As NeonBlueLeon said, a stressed fish will rarely eat on its first night. That's why I don't feed the day I get a new fish. If your fish won't eat the first few days, that is okay. Just keep an eye out for sickly behavior. 
Oh my fish are happily eating now but I believe it's like you said, the food I have couldn't fit in thier small mouths. As soon as it was crushed up they were all over it. But they could have been stressed the first two days as I noticed my jeweled cichlid would hide all the time and he is just starting to be active like the rest are.
That sounds like stress, but I'm glad the fish is eating now. You can also pick up a bottle of Seachem Garlic and soak food in that. It helps soften up the food and the fish really like the garlic smell and taste. It's good for them, too.

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