*waves* Hello There!


Mostly New Member
Jul 21, 2013
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Hello I'm Faydra :) Nice to meet you all I'm very very new to this, I don't take care of the tank as I'm not allowed but I do watch my dad's fish and name them :) We have a pretty good size community tank with mollies, platys, tetra's and zebrafish and then in another tank we have a male beta :)
I'm 27, from Colorado and just overcame cancer (hence why I don't take care of the tank) and have two cats. That's pretty much I look forward to meeting you all :)
Yep I'm good now, cancer free :) Thanks for asking :) It's very nice to meet you, and I adore that turtle as your forum profile picture!
Welcome to the forum were glad that someone as brave as you has joined
Awwww thanks guys, here's the full story....I lost kidney function when I was 17 and had to go on dialysis, and then my kidneys went down to about 10 precent of function, my sister decided to donate her kidney to me! However some of the medications I was taking was destroying my bone marrow in the process, and I got stage four cancer last year. I went through chemo, lost the hair, and then finished and ended up cancer free! Sadly, I lost my mother two months ago and my dad bought the tank to entertain the cats and lift our spirits!
sorry about your loss but great to know your survived cancer
Thank you very much and thank you very much for helping me on my molly thread and such, it's been very helpful :)
Hi, :hi: to the forum Faydra.
I'm sorry about your cancer. I'm glad you're cancer free :)\
:rip: your mum.
I look forward to seeing pics of the tanks :) :snap:
HI thank you very very much for the warm welcome :) I have a picture of my molly up in the live breeders forum because I need help identifying if she's expecting fry's. :) It's so nice to meet you!!!
Nice to hear you're doing well! How big's the tank?  Any idea what other stocking you want to do, or is this a full tank?
The tank is 30 gallons and I think for the most part this is the last of the stocking, we've bought some molly's at Walmart and they just don't seem to make it through the night, and then if our white molly gives birth, we'll be expecting a lot of company ;)

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