Waterlife Protozin


Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
SA13 South Wales UK
I was in a lfs yesterday having a look for some new stock and overheard the owner talking to a customer about whitespot and the owner of the store said he regularly add's protozen when introducing new fish to his tanks and when he does water changes and recommended this to the customer. The owner didnt seem to be pushing selling the product and i must admit all his tank/stock looked in tip-top condition. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
We used this in my Girlfriends tank when her Rummy Nose Tetra got white spot. It was recommended by our lFS. And following the instuctions on the bottle sorted them out. But weve only used it once and thats when the Rummy noses got white spot.
I've always worked on the theory that if ain't sick, don't treat it.

I can understand why an LFS would do that when introducing new stock, but to do it on a regular basis makes no sense.
it's very good stuff but like the_lock_man said I'd only treat if whitespot was present - same with any medication really. You wouldn't take anti-biotics if you wern't ill ... :dunno:
I'm thinking pretty much the same as you guys although maybe a good idea to treat when adding new fish to the tank. I've had whitespot 3 times in the last few months i put this down to adding new fish (building up stock as only started in march this year). I did a fishless cycle and do my regular weekly water changes and water parameters are always fine. I've not lost any fish and they show no signs of distress and whitespot has never advanced beyond a few spots on a few fish.
I guess if you have the room you could always invest in a small quarenteen tank and add any meds to that if/when needed. I know there's a lot of people who do this.

Personally, I stick with trusted lfs' that I know have generally healthy stock and cross my fingers that nothing gets brought in - if it did then I'd deal with it after not before as a preventative.

I know the lfs' that I use quarenteen new stock anyway but not all do

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