Water testing kits


New Member
Jun 14, 2004
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Alberta, Canada
Ok so I dont really know if this is the place to be asking this, but I went to the store to buy a water testing kit. I noticed that there were 4 seperate boxes, one was nitrate, nitrite, pH and then ammonia. Each box was between 12$ and 15$ canadian (and we all know the greatness of the canadian dollar!) Is this a relatively good price? Are there any that are sold all together? What are the price ranges for complete kits if there are any. I really dont wanna get ripped off. Any brand suggestions? Any info would be helpful.
i bought the Laguna Quick Test and it was 19.99 and it tests ph, total alkalinity, water hardness, nitrite and nitrate, it doesnt give 100% readings but it lets you know what your dealing with (ranges)
Well that sounds pretty super to me. I will go look for that one. Thanks a bunch. Good to hear about the price too. I am glad I didnt buy each individual box!
I use eSHa water testing strips 25 to a tube. They test for NitrIte, NitrAte, pH, dH & kH. Should be about £12 from your LFS - not bad really as once you have an established aquarium you would only test once a week, so they should last appox 5 months. They are great too - you dip and wait 60 seconds and get all 5 tests done in one hit.

The only thing they don't test for is ammonia so for this I use API twin bottle kit as this is more accurate.

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