Water Sprite Dieing


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I added water sprite a couple of weeks ago to curtain part of my tank for my honey gourami.  My water sprite is dieing.  I've already removed half of it because it had no hope.  I do have a couple bits of very small new growth but mostly it is probably going to die.  None of my other plants are dieing, the rest are all thriving.  I use a weekly fertilizer.  My other plants are two types of anubias (about 7 plants), lots of java fern, moss balls, some java moss, and amazon frogbit.... those are all doing just fine.
It does this, it dies back if it's annoyed then rises from the ashes. I've tended to find that it likes flow and doesn't seem to care much what else it gets, although CO2 helps. I have a fair bit that's grown emmersed and it tends to go berserk then.
Ah, so this is normal... hopefully some sort of adjustment thing going on. I don't have CO2.
It's growing fine in my low tech tanks, well enough to break the surface.

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