Water Parameters Kh


New Member
Sep 25, 2012
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Can anyone help me regard how to reduce the KH.
My actual KH is 11 and I would like to bring it to 3, 4 so that I will be able some more rare corys.
Any Idea how to achive this?
I do use HMA water, but strange enuouf the parameter that come out the filter are high than the tap. I didn't have time to call the seller of the HMA and ask questions. They do claim that the water out of their filter is good for discus, but when I test the water parameter tells me something different and I would not risk to use the water .
Has I said before when I test the water chemistery out of the filter the values are high than the tap.......?
Can anyone help or has got suggestion. 
Would not really worry too much about KH levels, in fact IMO more trouble than its worth as it can be hard to keep levels steady all the time and can be a costly way of doing things.
Just leave as is and as TTA says, fish do not really have any KH requirements.

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