Water Numbers


New Member
May 27, 2012
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So my tank has been up and running for a couple weeks now, it was more of a rescue mission with this tank, so a fishless cycle was not an option for me, i just got my new API master test kit.. so far....

PH 7
ammonia 0
nitrite .25 - .50 (cant tell)
nitrate 5-20 (also cant tell)

i have a bunch of live plants, i gave a couple rainbow sharks to my buddy who had room to try and make this tank more adequate.

do these numbers call for an immediate PWC i just did a 30% a few days ago. Thanks guys.
With 0.25 to 0.50 ppm nitrite, you need to do a water change to keep that level down well below 0.25ppm - I would suggest a minimum of 50%.

I also have the API masterkit and take your point about trying to differentiate between the colours .

A word of warning though, that Nitrate No 2 bottle needs a lot of agitation before you can use. This includes banging the base of the bottle on the table a few times as well as shaking it until your arm drops off. There is something in that test bottle which drops out of the liquid and needs to be put back in the liquid before you can get a reliable reading.


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