Water Issues!


Mostly New Member
Jan 9, 2014
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I posted before about the corners of my tank being green and I found a solution to that but I now have a new issues. I do understand the contributing factors to this but my water is green. All the time. It will stay clean for maybe a week and then bam, green. It is near a window and I do keep the heater on most of the time because I live in Western New York so it is cold all of the time. The weird thing is is when I drain my tank, the sides aren't green, just the water. What can I do to help this? I feed my fish twice a day in very small amounts. Thanks!
What it sounds like your dealing with is an algae that blooms in the water I had the same problem once and it was because there was sunlight hitting my tank while I wasn't home and made the algae go nuts.
What I did was move the tank away from the window and I put a small Fluval filter with carbon and a fine sponge on it for a week that helped clean up any algae left behind I'm sure any filter would work great.

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