Mostly New Member
Hi everyone, I have recently bought a Gh and Kh test kit and have found my water is really hard, 358 to be exact. Is this going to cause issues when I stock my tank?
from httpGeneral Hardness
0 - 4 dH, 0 - 70 ppm : very soft
4 - 8 dH, 70 - 140 ppm : soft
8 - 12 dH, 140 - 210 ppm : medium hard
12 - 18 dH, 210 - 320 ppm : fairly hard
18 - 30 dH, 320 - 530 ppm : hard
higher : liquid rock (Lake Malawi and Los Angeles, CA)
Great approach, IMHO. Always easier to use the water you have, than start down the slippery maintenance slope of constantly fiddling with your water parameters.Seandgoode said:As to stocking I hadn't really decided yet, I was going to choose as per the water parameters.