Water Change Help


New Member
Aug 20, 2012
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I know silly questions considering I've had a tank for a while, but with a new tank on its way its had me thinking...
When doing water changes and adding de-chlorinator to the water, (I have a brand called Start Right made by a company called Jungle), how long should I wait before I add my water to the tank. The instructions says it makes it safe immediately, but I've always wondered. I guess i'm curious what others use and how long they wait?
I use seachem prime to dechlorinate my water. I also have a diy python that fits straight on to the tap. I fill the tank back up, add the prime for the whole tank and then switch the filters back on. Never had a problem that way.
I use Prime as well, and it should work immediately. For small water changes, I just add the correct amount straight to the bucket, give it a stir just because I am double careful, and add that straight away to the tank.

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