Wanted: Small Red Fish For Freshwater. Suggestions?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 2, 2014
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I'm in the process of gradually stocking my aquarium and I'd like to have a wide variety of colours.
Right now I've got yellow covered after adding 8 Golden Barbs along with 6 Lemon Tetras. I'm also planning on adding around 15-20 Neon Tetras which will add a splash of blue to the tank. I'm also looking for a rich red fish; preferably (although not necessarily) a Tetra; one which is easy to maintain and peaceful in a community. I've considered Cardinal Tetras and may add them if no suitable alternative is available.
Any suggestions?
The only really deep red fish that comes immediately to mind would be Platys.
Red phantom tetra as well
How big is the tank as that will help people come up with ideas?
A few Male Cherry barbs,
neons and cardinals aren't highly differing when in the same tank and often swim together.
If it's a reasonable size tank, then as Kirky says, male Cherry Barbs.
If it's smaller, then Chilli Rasbora.
Or the serpae tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques), can get very red.
Thanks for the input.
The dimensions of the tank are 120cm X 40 X 43 (Fluval 240 litre)
Oh I forgot to mention that I don't want livebearers, for obvious reasons.
The reasons are not obvious to me. Get males only and the fry issue isn't an issue.
Chili Rasbora are a great micro fish and quite red. They can be kept in a school in even a small tank (5.5 gallons could hold 8 of them) and they get more red when well cared for. I have a small school of them and love them.
Not my fish in the picture but it is just what mine look like...
eaglesaquarium said:
The reasons are not obvious to me. Get males only and the fry issue isn't an issue.
We want a good mixture of males an females.
tcamos said:
Chili Rasbora are a great micro fish and quite red. They can be kept in a school in even a small tank (5.5 gallons could hold 8 of them) and they get more red when well cared for. I have a small school of them and love them.
Not my fish in the picture but it is just what mine look like...

Are Rasboras livebearers?
I do think Chilli Rasbora will get lost in a 240L being just 20mm in length (63gal) though they are really colourful, I inherited 3 in my 12 Phoenix Rasbora shoal + they are quite expensive over here in the UK

No they aren't livebearers
No, they are not livebearers to be sure.
As far as getting lost, that's why you have a school of them. A tank that size could handle 50 of them. Against a backdrop of green plants it would be stunning.
FlyingFish78 said:
The reasons are not obvious to me. Get males only and the fry issue isn't an issue.
We want a good mixture of males an females.
If you don't want fry, why would you want males and females?
If it's a reasonable size tank, then as Kirky says, male Cherry Barbs.
If it's smaller, then Chilli Rasbora.
This. Only thing is chilli rasbora prefer acid conditions which rules them out for my tanks.
What about several female bettas? If you could find that many red ones?
I don't know if they would go with your stock? Yes? No?


  • red_betta_female_111107a4_w0480.jpg
    19 KB · Views: 988
Celestial pearl danio's are gorgeous, not fully red but the males have great eye-striking red fins, Females are a little drowned out in colour.

coral red pencilfish are attractive, although a little like bettas, having a few males together could cause a fight. it's best to keep 5 females to 1 male. i dont know too much about them, so you could have a look yourself. they're gorgeous

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