Want To Get A Corydora... Which Tank?

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Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2012
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The local store here in town is getting some new fish in. Included in this shipment is Corydoras. I would like to get one or 2 and was wondering which tank would be best for it:

30 gallon: Stock- 2 Neons, 3 Emperor tetras, 2 Guppies
72 Gallon: Stock- 7 Dinos. 4 Longfin and 3 regular
50 Gallon: Stock- 2 White Clouds. ( still infant in the cycling )
10 Gallon: Stock- 1 White Cloud.

Water changes not an issue. Its my and my kids hobby so with nothing much to do after work... I can tend to the needs.

List of what else is coming in at the store is:
Bumble Bee Cats
Red Tail sharks
Rainbow sharks
Cherry Barbs
Silver dollars
And live plants! Im gonna hit up the live plants. My 72 gallon is so naked... and I like to put a few in the 30 gallon. No clue what they are going to be... but the price will range from 4 to 6 bucks for each... and they orders an "assortment" lol.
You could do...

Any of the sub-tropical species in the 30g, like say Bronze.
Brochis splendens would would well in the 72g, their bigger size and more boisterous behviour at feeding time will give them a chance to eat, as Giant Danios can be a tad boisterous.
Peppered or Trilineatus would make good catfish to go with the WCMM in the 50g (once it has cycled and matured for a few months), the temperate 18-20C you should be giving the minnows for most of the year will suit them pretty well.
What species of corys are they getting? Have they already ordered them or can you choose? You need at least 6 of whatever species you do get to see them at their best and happiest.

Edit: in the tanks you have, you could get a fairly large shoal! They look amazing like that and they'd be incredibly active. Not in the 10 gallon though.

You could get 6 for the 30 gallon, or more for the 72 or 50 when it's cycled.
What species of corys are they getting? Have they already ordered them or can you choose? You need at least 6 of whatever species you do get to see them at their best and happiest.

Edit: in the tanks you have, you could get a fairly large shoal! They look amazing like that and they'd be incredibly active. Not in the 10 gallon though.

You could get 6 for the 30 gallon, or more for the 72 or 50 when it's cycled.
I think I would want to stay away from 6 in the 30 gallon... my understanding is that they get around 3 to 4 inches long right? If that is the case due to having fish in the 30 gallon ( technically its my youngest sons so hes got fish in it he likes... to an extent. ) He wants one of those cories too...

The lady just said Cories and did not go into detail. They will arrive in the morning, and due to the nature of the store they do not like selling fish right when they get in so I may need to wait a few days first :)

Edit. I tend to keep my tanks around 68- 72 F in temp. At least that is what the outside temp monitor on the outside of the tank says.
Alright the Cory is a Emerald Green . They look interesting and also look like they may do well in the community tanks

Angels are as big as my hand.

Silver dollars look nice too
Alright the Cory is a Emerald Green . They look interesting and also look like they may do well in the community tanks

Angels are as big as my hand.

Silver dollars look nice too

That sounds like the Brochis splendens I mentioned, that enjoy 22-28C temperature and would be one of the better food competitors for those Giants Danios (same could be said of Hoplo Catfish).
Alright the Cory is a Emerald Green . They look interesting and also look like they may do well in the community tanks

Angels are as big as my hand.

Silver dollars look nice too

That sounds like the Brochis splendens I mentioned, that enjoy 22-28C temperature and would be one of the better food competitors for those Giants Danios (same could be said of Hoplo Catfish).
Yeah the Dinos are for sure aggressive when it comes to feeding time. I was going to move the Emperor Tetras in with them but soon realized that they are much much much more relaxed during feeding time to the point where I often wonder if they are even eating. They dont really seem to go after food much, and the bits that they do go after half a**ed they spit out right away.

Okay next question. Now I cant get 6 of them all at once, because that would more or less double the amount of fish in that tank. They adapt well when you get say 2 of them now and wait a few weeks to introduce a few more ?
Personally, I go by volume rather than pure numbers of length. So in this case, I would compare the length and bulk of your danio group to that of the Brochis. As long as the new Brochis are currently going to no more than double the volume of the existing danios, I would get the whole group in one hit and do daily tests for a fortnight in case water changes with excess Seachem Prime were needed while the filter's bacteria caught up.

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