Want Live Plants But Don't Know Where To Start.


Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2013
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Hey all I really really want to get some live plants to replace my fake ones. The only problem is I've no idea where to start. I want some background, middle and foreground plants that are very low maintenance that work with the standard lights on my tank

I have sand substrate (play sand from Argos). I have 3 bulbs in my hood 2 white and 1 pinky/purple one they all have individual switches. My lights are only really on when I'm home as the other half ain't all that bothered, we get a lot natural light in the room but not direct.

All help would be useful, even better if you were is best (and cheap).

Regards Paul
There are 4 or 5 similar topics to yours listed on the first page - they have some excellent recommendations - ie easy low maintenance, low light plants
Ok how do you think these plants would do in my tank?

Anubias barteri coffeefolia
Hygrophila polysperma
Cryptocoryne beckettii petchii
Cryptocoryne wendtii Tropica

Feel free to add more as I haven't a clue.
I just grabbed some hornwort out of my pond (it grows endlessly in there!) and bunched it together and pushed the bottom (of the "bunch") under the gravel in the aquarium to keep it down. The fish seem to really like it and its pretty easy to get if you have a pond/knows someone with a pond that has hornwort. If not, pond weed is easy to find. This is all thinking if you have a low budget / wanna save some money. But yeah, the hornwort is easy to look after and grows so fast. Apparently it's a low light plant, I know it's a pretty hardy plant anyway :)
They all sound fine to me.  Can't go far wrong with anubias and crypts and personally I've had success with hygro polysperma.
How long are your lights on for?  Consider getting a timer as your plants will benefit from a daily lighting schedule, depending on how bright your lights are, start with around 6-7 hours and increase gradually as long as no algae appears.  A bit of trace fertiliser would do them good too.

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