Wana Add New Stock


Fish Crazy
Sep 21, 2003
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New York
Right now I have one marbel angel and 3 danios in my 30 gallon tank. It's well understocked, and I wana add some good fish that will get along with them. Suggestions?
I'll tell you my favourites. Firstly, get another 3 danios to make up your school.

Then consider:

6-8 Rummy-nosed tetras
6-8 corys
Bristlenosed plec
Hi KimmyFishy89

It's fun thinking about stocking a new tank, isn't it? :D But before I make any suggestions---I know your tank is pretty new---I have to ask the usual "Are you sure the tank is finished cycling?" :lol:

I like gouramis and if you didn't already have an angel fish I would suggest them, but since you do, I won't. They don't usually get along too well.

But corydoras catfish are another fish I just love and you have room for a number of them. There are few fish more fun to watch than a group of cory cats playing at the bottom of a tank. If you think you might want to breed them at some time in the future get 6 or so of the same kind. If not, you could mix them up for variety. They are great community tank citizens and get along with any other fish you put in there.
I agree, rummy nose tetras and dwarf gouramis are gorgeous. The rummys like slightly acidic water however, so if your tap water is naturally alkaline it might be a bit tough on the fish.

Also, how about a few guppies? Do you like the idea of having babies in the tank?

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