Hey fox,

A smoother cam would not make much difference. I can reduce the image quality which will speed up the images, but this doesn't make a difference if you are using broadband. The connection that is on is a 4Mbps down and 550Kbps up.

Anyways... good times! :)
them catfish look like what i imagine aliens to resemble.

V COOL -lol was waching a triple decker shovelnose pile up, great idea,might try and rig somthing up for my self to see if i can catch a glimpse of my loaches(now they are shy lol)
Highly cool - do you plan to run this as a permanent feature?
Hey guys!

Thanks for all the compliments. Much appreciated!

William, This is permanent. This cam will be on them 24/7. You guys can always access it. I am changing the lighting schedule though. Basically turning Night into day and vice versa. This way, when were not in the office at night, this lights will be on so you can see them.

I figured it would be pretty cool and all the peeps that come to our office sit for hours and can watch as can I. So I thought I would share them with the world. :)
I am doing feeding right now if anyone wants to watch. They are pretty funny on cam. The barbs are like torpedos! :lol:

I am going to be going to San Diego tonight (out of Town) for the 4th of July, but I am going to run to the LFS to get some feeders. Leave ya'll with a good show! :lol: I will be back soon and post up with I put them in. Probably within 20 minutes. Good times! Talk to ya'll soon!
Ok guys...

Live feeders going into the tank. :) Hope its a good show! If I don't post up again till monday, have a save weekend and enjoy the cam!

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