Veteran Fishkeeper Comes Out Of Retirement...

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Mostly New Member
Apr 28, 2014
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...and doesn't have a clue!!  

Hi!  I once had 6 different tanks going at once (from 1998 - 2000), including a 75gal Saltwater reef, a 33gal Long Malawi Cichlid, a 20-something Gold labidochromis breeder, a 15gal tropical, and a 5gal Betta hex.  I really missed having the serenity and beauty of them in my house, so I recently bought a little Fluval 4gal tank, thinking I could get a tiny iridescent shark and then move him into my 30Gal (I just got this one specifically so he could grow).  Now I'm in trouble and heading over to the emergencies section to post pics and beg for help!

I'll be stopping at the pet store on the way home for a test kit (not the strips, which I have, but the drops!).  Anyhoo...  I'm glad to be back in the game, and hoping I can save this little guy (only about 1.5") and get him into a bigger home asap!! 
Welcome to the forums, glad to have you aboard! 
to TFF! Hope you enjoy it here.
Thanks, gang!  I'm re-learning things I knew once upon a time, lol.
Welcome back! I must say that I love your username. Jaws is one of my all time favorite movies.
Thanks, everyone!

attibones said:
Welcome back! I must say that I love your username. Jaws is one of my all time favorite movies.
It's my favorite of all time & also the name of my iridescent shark who is in trouble. I posted about him over in Emergencies, but haven't gotten much advice yet. He's still hanging on, though he's lying on the bottom panting now. :(
Do a huge water change immediately. Take out as much water as you can. What tank is this guy in at the moment?
I've been posting about him over in the emergencies thread, and didn't want to double post everything over here as well, but he didn't make it.  :(

I'm so sorry for your loss! 
 It sounds like you did all you could to help him.
Ninjouzata said:
I'm so sorry for your loss! 
 It sounds like you did all you could to help him.
Thank you.  I tried everything I was told and everything I could think of.  Poor guy...  he was a fighter though!

On an entirely different topic:  I haven't bee able to upload my profile info and pic.  Help??  :/
You'll need 60 posts, THIS post should help explain why :)
Ninjouzata said:
You'll need 60 posts, THIS post should help explain why
Aha!  lol, ok.  Thank you!  *off to peruse and comment on pretty fishy pictures*

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