Very Weird Protrusion On Fish - Parasite?

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Sep 23, 2012
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One of my female swordtails had a large clear-colored protrusion on her right eye (and a much smaller one on her left eye). It's transparent and hard to see - you can only see it when you are looking at her head on. That also makes it impossible to take a photo of it. She's clamping a bit and it's also making her more skittish than usual. Any idea what this might be?? It does not look like fungus (not white or cotton-y).

I had a cardinal that had something similar, but only on one eye. I kept my eye on it, and did more frequent water changes, and it eventually went away. I believe it may have been a cyst formed over a break in the fish's skin or something.

I do recommend getting more advice from others though, as my cardinal wasn't clamping and otherwise seemed happy.
Size of tank in gallons or litrs.
How many fish and wich type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Any redness to the eyes?
Are eyes swollen, or bulging out?
Does it resemble a bubble on the eye?
Do you have to much aeration in your tank?
Do any of your fish eyes look cloudy?

Does the eye resemble this photo. (Click on the link below)
Size of tank in gallons or litrs. 20 gallons
How many fish and wich type. 8 green swordtails, all female
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph. ammonia=0 ppm, nitrite=0 ppm, nitrate <5ppm, pH=8-8.1

Any redness to the eyes? no
Are eyes swollen, or bulging out? no
Does it resemble a bubble on the eye? no
Do you have to much aeration in your tank? I don't think so
Do any of your fish eyes look cloudy? no

It doesn't look like popeye. It doesn't look like the eye itself is protruding, rather there is something on the eye...
Like a bubble on the eye?
Sorry just seen you answered that question and you said no.

Do you have an airstone running in the tank?
Get a magnifying glass and take a closer look to see in you can see anything inside the clear protrusion

Need also to rule this out. Air stones can cause gas bubble disease.

Gas Bubble Disease


Symptoms include blisters that are clearly visible beneath the skin, particularly in the head area, in and around the eyes. Blisters may also form inside the body. Sick fish will make a croaking sound when removed from the water.


Oxygen oversaturation: This disease is most frequently seen in heavily planted or Algae-ridden aquariums or ponds. In such a scenario, oxygen production can be so great that it upsets the proper balance of dissolved gases in the water causing very small gas bubbles to form inside of the fish. If these bubbles move to the blood stream they can be fatal.


Perform an immediate water change to restore the proper gas balance. Clean away Algae and reduce the amount of live plants. Use an anti-algae chemical if necessary, such as Algae Destroyer. Reduce lighting to reduce oxygen production by the plants.

I do have an airstone in the tank, but I doubt there is too much oxygen. I have absolutely no plants/algae in the tank. It also doesn't look like a bubble. It looks like a transparent flake attached to the eye.
Check the eyes for tiny white specs.
What do you feed your fish?

Just read this please to see if it matches the symptoms your fish is showing.

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