I bought my betta Toby back in December. Every since I had him he hasn't eaten except for maybe twice and each time it was a few freeze dried bloodworms. (which I realize now must have been a bad idea..)
Toby usually swims around only a little and rests a lot, and he usually tried to come to me if I called his name. But as of last night Toby hasn't been swimming at all. He lies on his side at the bottom of the tank. I know he is alive because I can seem him breathing. But honestly, He looks like he can't even swim...
Here is a thread I recently made http
I had thought He had internal worms, and tried deworming medicine, but I have given up on that.
Right now I'm trying my best to get the tank cycled as I recently found out it wasn't.
I just did a test with the API water testing kit and my Ammonia looks to be .25ppm, my Nitrite seems .25ppm and my Nitrate seems to be 0 still. I have put filter media from my cycled tank into the filter in Toby's tank and it seems to be helping.
As of now Toby is still laying on the gravel and hasn't moved from there since at least 10 this morning.
I have thought about Euthanizing the poor guy because I don't want him to suffer, but I want to give him a chance, if there is one, for him to get better.
Your help would mean a lot to me.
Toby usually swims around only a little and rests a lot, and he usually tried to come to me if I called his name. But as of last night Toby hasn't been swimming at all. He lies on his side at the bottom of the tank. I know he is alive because I can seem him breathing. But honestly, He looks like he can't even swim...
Here is a thread I recently made http

I had thought He had internal worms, and tried deworming medicine, but I have given up on that.
Right now I'm trying my best to get the tank cycled as I recently found out it wasn't.
I just did a test with the API water testing kit and my Ammonia looks to be .25ppm, my Nitrite seems .25ppm and my Nitrate seems to be 0 still. I have put filter media from my cycled tank into the filter in Toby's tank and it seems to be helping.
As of now Toby is still laying on the gravel and hasn't moved from there since at least 10 this morning.
I have thought about Euthanizing the poor guy because I don't want him to suffer, but I want to give him a chance, if there is one, for him to get better.
Your help would mean a lot to me.