Very Poorly Neon Tetra


New Member
Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
Wigan, UK

I have just noticed that one of my twelve tetra looks extremely poorly. It is very small, half the size of my other tetras, and is very listless, being swept around rather than swimming. There is some movement but it looks all but dead. There is some discolouration to it, it looks like it has a large silver/white patch mostly on one side but on the other also.

Please help!
Having read up on the symptoms I am afraid this might be neon tetra disease. My fish has a definite pronounced curvature of the spine. As I said earlier the fish is all but dead, if it floats into plants it just gets stuck there. I might act cautiously and remove it from the tank, but having nowhere else to house it that would be the end of the line for the poor guy. Does anybody advise against that? I feel bad in removing him (to his death) but want to protect my other fish (if it isn't already too late).
If you think its NTD, that's the best way to go if you've nowhere else to put him. You don't want the rest to follow its fate too.
Just try to end it in the fastest possible way and don't use freezer techniques or similar. If you don't have clove oil, then maybe the best is to put him in a plastic bag and then hit him with a heavy object to kill him at once.
...I can't believe I've got to explain that and I personally have never done it but hope it helps.
NTD is quite rare, but there also is false NTD caused by columnaris bacteria. Loss of colour, white spots aso. Could be that. I should euthanise her as well in this state. Sorry. Greetz Aad

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