Fish Fanatic
I noticed yesterday that my female betta is extremely huge. I feed her Omega One Betta Pellets, about 3-4 in the evening. She is kinda slow so some of the pellets end up just sinking before she can catch them, which I them give her a few more to make up for the ones she missed, if that makes sense. So I don't know if she finds the ones the fall on the gravel and eats those also? I also suspected she might have killed and eaten some newly added ghost shrimp, but all where accounted for. Today she sits at the bottom of her tank with clamped fins. I thought this might be dropsy but so far she isn't "pine coning". I did not feed her last night. I thought she might just be full of eggs, but now she has clamped fins.
Thanks for the help. xx Oh, and don't mind the torn fins, tried to breed her.. They're growing in nicely though.
Thanks for the help. xx Oh, and don't mind the torn fins, tried to breed her.. They're growing in nicely though.