Hi I am very very new to this hobby. I bought a 29 gallon top fin tank last week. I washed everything without detergents and set it up I put in the chemicals that came with it and waited a few hours before adding fish. I added zebra danios as I read they are hardy. Everything died. I went to the pet store had the water tested and they said it was fine. I was told to go ahead and add more fish and did so according to their instructions, and again everything died . Well after the 3rd round I was afraid they were going to tell me to stop and just go get sushi if I wanted fish. I felt like crying. So I broke it all down cleaned it all again with extremely hot water let it dry and rinsed again with cold water then set it back up. This was on Friday.i added the chemicals which is a dechlorinater, bacteria supplement, and water conditioner. I have added no fish I was to scared. Today is Sunday and the water is starting to look slightly cloudy. Not to bad but you do see a difference. My heat has been at a steady 76 f. My questions are these. 1. How high of a setting should my filter be set. 2. When will it be safe to add fish. I will be getting a test kit today as I don't trust the people I went to before. I don't want to murder any more it's making me sad.