Vacuuming Gravel?


Fish Aficionado
Dec 19, 2006
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I had just found an vaccum cleaner which i will going to get it this week. But what i want to ask. Should i remove the fish from the tank while vaccuming or no?
My nieghboor removed the fish from the tank and put them in a bucket. His mom by mistake dump them in another bucket and they start feeling dizzy. He put them back agian and they r like stuned in the tank. He wants to know if they r going to die yes or no?

Just leave the fish where they are, it's less stressful for them. Afraid I can't answer your question about your neighbour's fish, I suppose it depends on what was in bucket no 2.
There wasent anything it wasw empty. Sh e dump them by mistake. It was just empty.
Leave the fish in during gravel cleaning, just don't suck them up.

As for your neighbor, perhaps his mom dumped them into a dirty bucket which may have had soap or some cleaning chemical residue inside of it. People with no experience don't think about these things.

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