Using Snow As Water Source...


Apr 30, 2012
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Today as I was really bored with a day of nothing planned I sat there and was thinking of how to beat the high nitrates from my tap water...eliminate the tap water. Then whilst looking outside I though "eh up" snow = water = loads of it so I did a bit of research and it seems as long as the tank has the minerals normally acquired via tap water then its ok. So I spent bloody ages melting down the snow and filling my tank up, once I finished I tested the nitrates which for the first time ever were 10. Im aware this is probably because I did a large water change but whenever I use my tap the nitrates are 40ppm before it even goes in the tank!

Has anyone else took advantage of natures plentiful bounty?
This was discussed very recently here:

I think the general consensus (at least from us UK users who don't get proper snow) was
a) it's a lot of effort for not a lot of water - collecting, melting, bringing up to temperature,etc and
b) it should only be used if you are 100% sure it has not come into contact with any impurities on the floor.
Out of interest have you checke your water board website to read what they think the nitrate levels are in your water.

40 is pretty high as I'm sure I've read the UK legal limit is 50 - definitely worth a check. I know my water board is very good at providing such info on their website.
My natural Nitrate in my water is 30ppm but I usually have lot's of plants so they take it down to about 15-20ppm.
yea its south staffs water and the average with them is 30 :( well the snow water seems to be working a little bit nitrates now 10, straight out the tap just tested....40 ive filled up 2 bins full of snow, 1 because im sad and 2 because im not paying for r/o water when i pay for water anyway!! An email has been sent asking why the nitrates are so high just to see what reply I get

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