Using Driftwood From The Beach


May 19, 2013
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While on holiday I collected 3 pieces of nice looking small driftwood from the beach. Can I use it in a freshwater tank? What do I need to do to prep it?
Just soak it for a week or so, changing the water daily, to get the salt out; as long as you're fairly sure it's 'clean'; ie, no oil or anything on it.
depends what beach.. from the sea then no, but from a lake then yes. IMO
you'll need to scrub off all the bark and boil it removing all parasites or whatever is in the wood and let that baby soak.
soaking can take from a few weeks to a few years depending on the size.
i forget the details of each step, but that is the outline. someone else will give you all the details.
Would there be any way to detect the oil? It IS from the gulf of mexico.
Actually, wood from the sea is safer than wood from freshwater lakes/rivers, as there's no risk of contamination by parasites or diseases.
You should be able to see or smell any oil on it; it'l be very sticky.
You also really don't need to boil wood. Pouring boiling water over it and leaving it to soak is enough. Boiling cooks the wood fibres and causes it to rot faster.
awesome :) I will get it soaking! Thank you!

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