Using aquariums to get out of depression....

There are times in my life where I felt good, happy, and on top of the world. What a wonderful feeling that is, and using my considerable imagination I dreamed of a magic bottle to fill those good feelings up with. I put this mental bottle of good feelings up on a mental self in my mind. So on that day when I am depressed and feeling low, I take the bottle of good feelings of the self, open it up, and fill my heart with those good feelings again. It works for me. How you feel is a mental state, so no matter what brings me down or how bad it all gets, I make a conscious decision to feel good. Trust me when I say, life happens, that can't be helped. I have been laid off, broke, losing everything, wife leaving, my brother, my best friend dying almost all a the same time in life. Lost my one and only child, considering suicide, but made the effort to pull through and live for another day.
Something I've thought I should mention but didn't know if it would be taken well, is participating in aggressive activity. By this I don't mean screwing around with other people. I live by the addage "hands off other people and their property." Keeping this in mind has always worked for me. What I do in order to feed this particular need is all computer-based.

I can participate in on-foot shootouts with various degree's of intensity, including realistically modeled worlds to wild sci-fi settings. The same is true for complex simulations from space ships to tanks to fighter jets, etc.

I realize that this approach may seem weird or anti-social to some of you. However, this form of recreation has helped me stay "even" for a long time, so I thought it deserved an acknowledgement.
I used to deal with excess aggression by splitting firewood. Then I moved into town and took up long-distance running. :)
One thing I'd like to mention is that while looking after animals can certainly alleviate depressive symptoms, it's also possible, if the depression is severe enough, that it might interfere with your routine/energy levels so much as to make it extremely difficult to carry out the tasks needed to properly care for them... so it might be good to have some kind of help or "safety net" in case things go pear-shape to ensure that the animals/plants don't take the brunt of it. A lot of it depends on your personality, of course, but it is worth considering. I'm speaking from experience here as when I was at a very low point in my life my tanks kind of went to seed... they didn't crash as thankfully they are pretty well-established ecosystems, but I felt horribly guilty about it :sad:
Glad to hear you're seeing a therapist. That's crucial. Keeping my fingers crossed for you :good:
I used to deal with excess aggression by splitting firewood. Then I moved into town and took up long-distance running. :)
I used to do that out in the country too. Having a bad day, go spend a couple of hours chopping wood. I don't know why it works but I always felt better after.

I was visiting friends and was tired and stayed at their house while they went out for the day. They had a shed full of logs that needed to be split for their hot water system (old fashioned boiler type with a heater under it). I spent the day splitting logs and when they got back, they had a years supply of cut wood and kindling. I felt great after that :)
Fair shout to OP, I don’t think I have ever been depressed so cannot comment for or against what does or doesn’t help. I have suffered extreme stress when my marriage was failing and I lost my business then smashed my hip.......drank too much smoked excessively and barely ate. I decided I needed me time so went backpacking across America for 9 weeks alone. After I had blown many cobwebs away I booked a flight home & decided to date again. That was four years ago and I neither smoke and only socially drink at weekends (never to excess) I’m not suggesting you jump on a plane or go combat took the love of a good woman to bring me back and now I again own a business and love my whole existence on bravo to you for speaking out.
I'm glad to hear that you found your way out of the churn, MM.
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does your forum name have anything to do with your newfound business? Do you make things out of metal or do you own a welding company?

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