Used Aquarium With Scratches Safe To Add Water?


New Member
Feb 5, 2012
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hi I just acquired a new 55 gallon aquarium but upon closer inspection the bottom of the bare bottom tank is full of scratches :(. if I run my fingernail over them  can feel them. now is it still safe for me to fill this tank up with water and set it up?
Just little scratches should be fine - long as it is not too deep into the glass that'll compromise its strength.
Explained as a scratch though I shouldn't think it'll be a problem.
Are you keeping it bare bottom?  If you can feel the scratches they'd be easily covered with sand/gravel.
if u run ur finger nail over the scratches u can feel the tiny indents of the scratches. I was gonna put gravel in the tank and set it up I was just nervous with the stractches on the bottom that the tank wud leak and that wud b a big mess lol its a 55g tank
You could take the tank outside and do a test fill. That way, if it leaks it won't flood your house :)
Blondie said it first, fill up the tank and see if any leaks at all.
That should ease your anxiety a bit if you don't see any leaks at all, really as doubt a few shallow scratches will do anything.
I bought a 2nd hand tank with the base of tank scratched all over, this is pretty normal as gravel, rocks and decor gets moved about, nothing to worry about as long as not cracked or glass deeply scratched. 

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