

New Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Just cleaned my canister filter and now the silver dollars, silver shark and clown loaches are in a bad way.

Now the bristlenose catfish are darting around the tank!

PH 6.4 - 6.6
Nitrate - 0ppm
Nitrite - 0ppm
Amonia - .25

Help me please!
When you say clean, how did you clean it? If it was with tap water rather than tank water you may have killed off the bacteria as they cannot tolerate chlorine. You'll need to do large water changes until the bacteria are re-established, depending on how much is gone - this could be a few days or six weeks if you knocked the lot out.
When you say clean, how did you clean it? If it was with tap water rather than tank water you may have killed off the bacteria as they cannot tolerate chlorine. You'll need to do large water changes until the bacteria are re-established, depending on how much is gone - this could be a few days or six weeks if you knocked the lot out.

Thanks for the fast reply!

I cleaned it with reverse osmosis water, made sure that I didn't clean the bio medium too much.

So water change?

what did you clean it with, and why did you clean it? is your tank cycled?

i posted too late :rolleyes:
Lost 2 Clown Loaches, a Ghost Knife,a Silver Shark and maybe 2 Silver Dollars :no: :rip:
You said you cleaned with RO water, is this what you usually maintain the tank with, or do you normally use tap water?
Your tank water shouldn't be 100% ro water, 50-50 is a good ratio between tap water and ro water. In future, clean the filter media with water that you just took out of the aquarium :good:

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