Right. I'm trying to decide if my bioload can hold anymore mollies, white cloud, or platies. My dalmation molly and platy have been best friends from the first day. It's kind of cute. The white cloud seems to be trailing along with the neon tetra. Should I buy more, do I have a place to buy more?
It's a 55 gallon. I cannot buy another for a long time, so the pleco stays.
1 Betta Fish
1 Common Pleco
1 White cloud
1 Pladdy
1 Dalmatian Molly
1 African Dwarf Frog
1 Malaysian Trumpets Snail
5 Ghost Shrimp
12 Neon tetra
It's a 55 gallon. I cannot buy another for a long time, so the pleco stays.
1 Betta Fish
1 Common Pleco
1 White cloud
1 Pladdy
1 Dalmatian Molly
1 African Dwarf Frog
1 Malaysian Trumpets Snail
5 Ghost Shrimp
12 Neon tetra