Urgent Filter Help Please


New Member
Jun 21, 2010
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Hi All
I have had a tank for the last three years, everything is perfect with it, however, yesterday, the filter I have had this whole time has just died. Kaput. Nothing is happening with it, so I'm guessing it's some kind of internal component failure. I have tried it in many different power sockets and still nothing.
So, I intend to replace it today with (hopefully) the same model.
On the assumption I can get a replacement which takes the exact same sized sponges, should I just discard the new sponges that come with the new filter and use my existing ones?
Just make sure you keep your sponges wet unmtil you get the new filter later.
You will have some bacteria die off unless you can find a way of passing water and oxygen through the sponges until then but shouldnt be a major issue.
Keep an eye on your water parameters for the next few weeks and up your water changes if need be until the new filter colonises fully again.
Yes, replace new sponge media as well as ceramic media/bio balls etc with your mature media.

Keep the new filter media in cupboard as spares, don't discard it. Might come in handy.

As Bricko said, keep an eye on water parameters just in case of mini cycle or spikes.

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