Upgrading Tanks


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Jul 3, 2011
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I currently have a fluval roma 90 which is well planted with gravel substrate, a few ornaments. rainbow fish and a few rams. I have had this for just over a year now.

I have just purchased a brand new Rio 180 Juwel. Which I would like to have sand substrate in. But I am in need of advice as to the best way in transfering tanks. Do i try to transfer the water from my old tank and put in the new one? How do i transfer my fish without harming them in any way. Could i please have step by step instructions on how to do this right? Thankyou
I currently have a fluval roma 90 which is well planted with gravel substrate, a few ornaments. rainbow fish and a few rams. I have had this for just over a year now.

I have just purchased a brand new Rio 180 Juwel. Which I would like to have sand substrate in. But I am in need of advice as to the best way in transfering tanks. Do i try to transfer the water from my old tank and put in the new one? How do i transfer my fish without harming them in any way. Could i please have step by step instructions on how to do this right? Thankyou

i just did this yesterday, get 3 buckets, put the fish in one fully of water (if you can put the heater in there as well and a peice of plastic or something over the top to stop them jumping our while your back is turned) and the plants in another full of water, put the new tank in place, put the sand in the new tank, trim the plants and make the roots nice and short and remove dead or damaged leaves, plant the plants and position the ornaments to your liking, using the last bucket drain the old tank and put the water in the new one, use a smaller bucket to pour the water over an ornament or something that will disperse the water gradualy so as not to disturb the plants, now get the bucket and start filling up the remainder of the tank while also treating the water by dechlorinating it, now put the fish in the new tank. if you have any more questions feel free to ask :)
If your closing down your 90, then run the 90 filter in conjunction with 180 filter for 6 weeks and transfer some of the media from the old filter into the new. Also take and store the rio carbon as its pointless unless removing meds and it takes up space.

Set up the rio. i.e sand fill up with new water half way. Move plants over and then fill up to top. Get the water up to temp, done sooner if use a mixer tap and then transfer fish over. You can use plastic bags and acclimate like you would from a LFS.

There is no need to use the old water. Thats how I would to it. Good luck. :good:

Funny, I have a 180 and am looking at getting a second tank, the Roma 90 for the TV room.
What should i do with the filter? The one used in the 90litre is not powerfull enough, though it has the beneficial bacteria. I have a more powerful one that comes with the new tank Though.
Also what is the best way to catch the fish because i have attempted cathing one before and it stressed the fish out and took ages!
put as much of the media into the new filter as you can, and use a net then put it straight into the bucket, remove all the plants and everything before attempting to catch the fish becuase you will then spend less time chasing it around which is also stressful
The filter as above.

The fish are going to be stressed. Can't be helped. Use a net and be quick. Keep the lights out in your new tank during the process and maybe an hour after if you want.
Im getting my new rio 400 (450 litre) today which will be an upgrade from my juwel vision 260 so I too will be swapping everything around :) fun times
Im getting my new rio 400 (450 litre) today which will be an upgrade from my juwel vision 260 so I too will be swapping everything around :) fun times
How did you get on with the upgrade? Do you have any pictures? Any advice for me?
Upgrade was easier than I thought it would be, I put my fish into bags (with their tank water) the same as when you get them from the pet shops. Then put the bag into a polystyrene box, put the bag with fish in the middle of the box and then put more bags of slightly heated water around them to keep their water warm. Even though the tank was 2nd hand and had been still set up only hours before i picked it up it is like brand new, i started by giving the tank a quick clean with a touch of salt to kill of any germs, wiped the tank dry after that then I put around 3-4 inches of water, made sure the water/tank was even, then when I levelled the tank out with a couple of thin bits of wood under the front legs I added my sand evenly. Then I continued to fill with a hose till te tank was 60% full, then I added dechlorinater/tap safe to the tank. After this I put in my bogwood, rocks, plants and so on and then continued to fill with a hose until the tank was full. Then i set up/connected my filter (after giving the outside casing a clean) the previous owner cleaned the sponges and so on in his tank water the day i had it b4 collecting. Then I put in the heaters at the desired temp setting. Checked the water temp with my tank thermometer after around an hour or two and when it was right I added the fish :)

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