Hi all,
Looking for some advice.
I currently have a 60l Biorb, last week I managed to save 5 Platy Fry, which are currently in a nursery tank. So I am looking to upgrade to a bigger tank.
I have a chance of getting a good price on a Juwel 180, but im a bit paranoid of transferring my current stock over to the new set up.
What substrate would be best for the Juwel? My Biorb has the small rocks.
When I set up the Juwel, should I transfer some of the water from the Biorb over? Then how long would I leave the Juwel running before transferring my fish over?
Just looking for some reassurances really.
Thanks in advance.
Looking for some advice.
I currently have a 60l Biorb, last week I managed to save 5 Platy Fry, which are currently in a nursery tank. So I am looking to upgrade to a bigger tank.
I have a chance of getting a good price on a Juwel 180, but im a bit paranoid of transferring my current stock over to the new set up.
What substrate would be best for the Juwel? My Biorb has the small rocks.
When I set up the Juwel, should I transfer some of the water from the Biorb over? Then how long would I leave the Juwel running before transferring my fish over?
Just looking for some reassurances really.
Thanks in advance.