Upgrading my lighting


Fish Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Ok so I found out that 18 watts in a 20 gallon tank doesnt really grow much lol. So I am going to get a retro fit kit and use power compact lighting. I have it down to 2 different kits and hoping you can give me some pros and cons if you have any.

Kit 1

Kit 2
both looks great, the 55Watts would be fine I just like a 6000K light a bit more than 10 000K light for fresh water plants

If you have the money get the 65W CF at 6500K, you'll have so much growth, you'll never look back.
I'm in a very similar situation. I have a 96litre tank with one 24"/18W light. Would adding another bulb underneath help plantgrowth? I could probably get a 30 inch to fit, at a push :D Are there any type of bulb to look out for?

KarlosFandango said:
Are there any type of bulb to look out for?
dude each bulb has different benefits here is a website that shows you the different lights availible and different combinations.

Yeaulman said:
Ok so I found out that 18 watts in a 20 gallon tank doesnt really grow much lol.
:lol: I just had to laugh with you.

Good luck with the lighting upgrade.
I currently have 65 watts over my 20 gallon, and everything grows quite well with the addition of CO2. I will be upgrading the lighting very soon to 96 watts, but that's because the tannins in the water are blocking some of the light.

You'll love the rapid growth! :thumbs:
Be aware that you may need to increase co2 levels to compensate for the higher light levels, otherwise you may grow algae very well!!
I was offering lighting in the 2 w/gal range but it was 10, 000 k range. When I swapped out for 6500 k I saw an immediate improvement. I would second Silly Me's suggestion.


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