Just thought I'd post an update on my three fighters, with photos, as I'll be getting a fourth one again soon!
OLIVER. (Estimated 2 years old. Minimum 1 1/2 years old.)
Sorry for image size! Haha, his eyes look huge in that second photograph.
Lately, He's been showing improvement!
I've caught him twice now below the surface, though he's far from being able to swim normally.
His fins look ridiculous, and he's as grumpy as they come now. Definitely showing his age!
MORGAN (7 months old? roughly.)
Morgans doing great! He's incredibly untrusting towards me, constantly fleeing from my finger when I feed him!
And he just loves to flare up at me. But hey, I'm sure I'm loved really. Really deep down.
He started off this colour, actually :
And within two weeks, he'd gone red crazy! And he glows lilac! Not sure why. But he glows.
SINBAD (Roughly 1 year and a few months.)
I have never, EVER managed to get a photograph of this fish, asides from the rubbish one I had in my signature.
He's too dark! And my fancy SLR isn't clever enough apparently.
However, he finally swam into the light today! After 6 months!
He's a aggressive little thing, and munches his tail. It's been many months since he had a tail. It's not rotted or anything, so I've really had to leave him to it.
I tried treating once. £10 down the drain by the next week, as he'd chewed it off again.
He's happy enough though!
Next week I'll be picking up a Halfmoon Mustard Gas Blue/Yellow fighter.
Have a plec.
Plecs are cool.
OLIVER. (Estimated 2 years old. Minimum 1 1/2 years old.)

Sorry for image size! Haha, his eyes look huge in that second photograph.
Lately, He's been showing improvement!
I've caught him twice now below the surface, though he's far from being able to swim normally.
His fins look ridiculous, and he's as grumpy as they come now. Definitely showing his age!
MORGAN (7 months old? roughly.)

Morgans doing great! He's incredibly untrusting towards me, constantly fleeing from my finger when I feed him!
And he just loves to flare up at me. But hey, I'm sure I'm loved really. Really deep down.
He started off this colour, actually :

And within two weeks, he'd gone red crazy! And he glows lilac! Not sure why. But he glows.
SINBAD (Roughly 1 year and a few months.)
I have never, EVER managed to get a photograph of this fish, asides from the rubbish one I had in my signature.
He's too dark! And my fancy SLR isn't clever enough apparently.
However, he finally swam into the light today! After 6 months!

He's a aggressive little thing, and munches his tail. It's been many months since he had a tail. It's not rotted or anything, so I've really had to leave him to it.
I tried treating once. £10 down the drain by the next week, as he'd chewed it off again.
He's happy enough though!
Next week I'll be picking up a Halfmoon Mustard Gas Blue/Yellow fighter.
Have a plec.
Plecs are cool.