Hi all, Im a returning newbie to fish keeping, I had a small tank when I was in my early teens that I used to love and had for several years but then I got a bit older and discovered girls, drinking in parks and other teenage things and lost interest in it so gave it up.
Now Im 33 Ive fancied getting another tank but had nowhere to put it but a recent move to a bigger flathas allowed me to get one again
I am now the owner of a juwel vision 180 on a beech cabinet, Im running a fluval 205 filter and an up rated heater so it doesnt have to work too hard,
I was shocked at how far the equipment has moved on, when I was younger it was a basic glass tank on a wrought iron stand with an undergravel filter and pump,
The choice of products available now is astounding and was feeling a bit overwhelmed but I've jumped in with both feet and really enjoying it

I started to get a bit impatient so did a fish in cycle, slowly stocking and regular checks, I lost a cardinal tetra and a harlequin to an ammonia spike which upset me and a bacteria bloom which is now cured, but the rest are ok and all my water levels have stabilised and have been ok for a while now.
Here is a pic of the tank as of today....
There are a couple of things I would like to change, like get some different plants that are not green but my local fish stores are limited with their choice of plants so green it is
I would also like to get a big piece of bogwood that looks like a mangrove root or similar but its really expensive, ive seen plenty of things on the likes of ebay but i prefer to see things like that first hand and not on a computer screen.
My stock so far comprises of...
3 Corys
4 Cardinal Tetra
5 Harlequins
4 Paradise fish, (1 red male, 1 green male and 2 green females, the shop didnt have any red females
and today 2 Blue Rams joined them,
At the moment my Paradise fish are my favourites as theyre starting to get their colours coming through and they are very active using the whole of the tank.....
I shall be adding some more shoaling fish along the way, probably tetras of some kind (as long as they're colourful ones) and some danios and a couple of rainbow fish, probably blue ones.
A quick pic of my new Rams and a female Paradise fish....
Everyone is getting along which is good, I say good, but the green male Paradise fish is getting a bit bolshy with the red male, i thought that getting pairs would help keep them calm but it seems the green one wants both to himself so Im keeping a close eye on them
I will try and add pics of them, but its difficult to take photos of fish with a phone as they wont stay still long enough for the auto focus to sort itself out....
There will be more pics to follow when I can get them to stay still
One of the conditions of me getting the tank was the missus wanted to get some fish for her which is proving difficult, first she wanted angel fish but I have since learned they like to eat tetras
so that idea is out,
I originally wanted a pair of dwarf gouramis like when I was younger but the fish shop said they wouldnt get on with my paradise fish
she then really liked a male siamese fighter but was told the paradise fish will nip at him, so that idea is out
I think she's now decided on some marble mollys so they shall be purchased in a month or so.
This stocking and compatibility can be a proper nightmare
Thanks for reading my essay and look forward to getting to know y'all
Now Im 33 Ive fancied getting another tank but had nowhere to put it but a recent move to a bigger flathas allowed me to get one again
I am now the owner of a juwel vision 180 on a beech cabinet, Im running a fluval 205 filter and an up rated heater so it doesnt have to work too hard,
I was shocked at how far the equipment has moved on, when I was younger it was a basic glass tank on a wrought iron stand with an undergravel filter and pump,
The choice of products available now is astounding and was feeling a bit overwhelmed but I've jumped in with both feet and really enjoying it
I started to get a bit impatient so did a fish in cycle, slowly stocking and regular checks, I lost a cardinal tetra and a harlequin to an ammonia spike which upset me and a bacteria bloom which is now cured, but the rest are ok and all my water levels have stabilised and have been ok for a while now.
Here is a pic of the tank as of today....

There are a couple of things I would like to change, like get some different plants that are not green but my local fish stores are limited with their choice of plants so green it is
I would also like to get a big piece of bogwood that looks like a mangrove root or similar but its really expensive, ive seen plenty of things on the likes of ebay but i prefer to see things like that first hand and not on a computer screen.
My stock so far comprises of...
3 Corys
4 Cardinal Tetra
5 Harlequins
4 Paradise fish, (1 red male, 1 green male and 2 green females, the shop didnt have any red females

and today 2 Blue Rams joined them,
At the moment my Paradise fish are my favourites as theyre starting to get their colours coming through and they are very active using the whole of the tank.....
I shall be adding some more shoaling fish along the way, probably tetras of some kind (as long as they're colourful ones) and some danios and a couple of rainbow fish, probably blue ones.
A quick pic of my new Rams and a female Paradise fish....

Everyone is getting along which is good, I say good, but the green male Paradise fish is getting a bit bolshy with the red male, i thought that getting pairs would help keep them calm but it seems the green one wants both to himself so Im keeping a close eye on them

I will try and add pics of them, but its difficult to take photos of fish with a phone as they wont stay still long enough for the auto focus to sort itself out....

One of the conditions of me getting the tank was the missus wanted to get some fish for her which is proving difficult, first she wanted angel fish but I have since learned they like to eat tetras

I originally wanted a pair of dwarf gouramis like when I was younger but the fish shop said they wouldnt get on with my paradise fish
she then really liked a male siamese fighter but was told the paradise fish will nip at him, so that idea is out

I think she's now decided on some marble mollys so they shall be purchased in a month or so.
This stocking and compatibility can be a proper nightmare

Thanks for reading my essay and look forward to getting to know y'all