Unmodified "bottle Tank" Entries


Life, Liberty & Pursuit of the perfect fish tank
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Apr 4, 2011
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Ok, sign up with your entry photo and verification pics.
Entries will end on August 14th.  (Hopefully this will go without a hitch, I'll be offline from Aug. 13-27.)
dam, got a week to make a bottle tank and get it nice (my one died) 
More than likely you don't have a "bottle tank" already planted to be able to enter, but the answer to your question is up to mike45555 and Zikofski, as this was their idea.
Go for it.  The goal is to hopefully have these sorts of creative competitions again in the future as well.
Yeeeshhh, almost missed it!!!!!! Okay, I have my entry....
Funnily enough, the easy part of this was getting the plants to grow, (they loved the bottle!) and the hard part was getting a good pic. The shape of the bottle made it really hard. Here are the best pics I could get, out of about 50 :rolleyes: After viewing the pics, I think I should have trimmed the moss down a bit, but I kinda like the "growing out of control" look this bottle has.
2L coke bottle, unmodified.
One small hole for wc'ing (as stated in the rules)
Plants include:
crypt "super green"
italian vallis
amazon swords
java moss
java fern
.......All thriving.
African redwood piece
Petco black sand
long handled scissors
wooden skewer
airpump tubing for wc's
Here we go...



I didn't add any effects to this one.  There's a lot more depth to the bottle, but again it was really hard to get a good shot.

My fav.
verification to follow....
wow im impressed, how did you keep the algae down? or wasent there much?
Not a single spot of algae!! I couldn't believe it. Maybe bc I only turned the little table lamp on for maybe 4-5 hours a day, and had it at a good height from the bottle. 

I was especially surprised with the vallis. Not only did I get zero meltage, but i also got a ton of growth and runners as well. Can't wait to break down the bottle and take a look at everything. I wish I did "before plant list pic" so I could get a comparison after one...... man.
And here some of us are wondering how to get a nice planted tank, and you nail it in a 2L coke bottle lol
haha :D well gone green i am impressed :)
i'll give this comp till Monday and if greenmumma  still stands unopposed by then she'll win =] 

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