Yeeeshhh, almost missed it!!!!!! Okay, I have my entry....
Funnily enough, the easy part of this was getting the plants to grow, (they loved the bottle!) and the hard part was getting a good pic. The shape of the bottle made it really hard. Here are the best pics I could get, out of about 50

After viewing the pics, I think I should have trimmed the moss down a bit, but I kinda like the "growing out of control" look this bottle has.
2L coke bottle, unmodified.
One small hole for wc'ing (as stated in the rules)
Plants include:
crypt "super green"
italian vallis
amazon swords
java moss
java fern
.......All thriving.
African redwood piece
Petco black sand
long handled scissors
wooden skewer
airpump tubing for wc's
Here we go...

I didn't add any effects to this one. There's a lot more depth to the bottle, but again it was really hard to get a good shot.

My fav.
verification to follow....