Fish Addict
Just came back home about 20 minutes ago and i found one of my guppy fry dead being moved around by the filter current. i netted the body and i putted it in the toilet and i noticed its gills were moving and its fins and it was upsidedown and i showed my dad and he said it looks like its on its last stage so it looked better to end its misery. when i saw it in the tank there was a red thing just before the tail and i think there was a small one near the mouth so what could that be also is there any reason on how that happened like they were in the dark for about 5 hours or 2 days ago i think that fry and 4 more of them were pecking one of my adult flame guppy so they might of down that on there own kind
All water conditions are right and PH looks a little over 7.6
All water conditions are right and PH looks a little over 7.6