Unexpected Death


Fish Addict
May 13, 2012
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North London UK
Just came back home about 20 minutes ago and i found one of my guppy fry dead being moved around by the filter current. i netted the body and i putted it in the toilet and i noticed its gills were moving and its fins and it was upsidedown and i showed my dad and he said it looks like its on its last stage so it looked better to end its misery. when i saw it in the tank there was a red thing just before the tail and i think there was a small one near the mouth so what could that be also is there any reason on how that happened like they were in the dark for about 5 hours or 2 days ago i think that fry and 4 more of them were pecking one of my adult flame guppy so they might of down that on there own kind :rip:

All water conditions are right and PH looks a little over 7.6
Sorry to hear about that. It's common for some fry to die. If they are left in the main tank often all of them die or get eaten. If you want to raise them to adulthood they need their own little area to live in until they are big enough to compete. There are several ways of doing this, their own tank, a hang on breeder, or an intank breeder net all work well.
i am wondering but how did that red thing come on it and do they act like savages when they are left in the dark?
It's just how things are in the wild zain. It's more efficient use of resources for animals to eat excess or dead young, than to just leave them floating around polluting the water,
or causing an unsustainable spike in population, something us humans will encounter when our planet is full, we'll probably then start destroying each other yet again.
i think i have to get a separate tank like what tcamos said but when i get my future tank i can use my curremt tank

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