Fish Crazy
I own a few fish that have been kept in a large variety of tank sizes, and many sites have different opinions on what these fish can be kept in. Since many people on here seem reputable and give good advice, I was wondering what your thoughts were.
Ryukin Goldfish - 30 gallons for first one, 20 or 10 for each additional.
Dwarf Gouramis - 5, 10, or 15 gallons
Platy - 2, 3 or 5 gallons
I own all these fish, and was wondering what the right stocking really is.
Ryukin Goldfish - 30 gallons for first one, 20 or 10 for each additional.
Dwarf Gouramis - 5, 10, or 15 gallons
Platy - 2, 3 or 5 gallons
I own all these fish, and was wondering what the right stocking really is.