Uk Native Aquarium Plants


New Member
Jun 6, 2013
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Which native UK plants work well in an aquarium, and where can I obtain them? (Taking them out of wild environments risks bringing other organisms with them).
I remember in NZ there was an attempt to popularise the use of native aquatic plants to reduce the chance of escapes. I'm pretty sure I could be careful enough to prevent escapes from my own tank, but still like the idea of native plants.
Edit: Potamogeton crispus is native? Would it work in an aquarium or is it only suitable for ponds?
I don't think many Brits collect plants in the wild, but I have done a few times. In Britain, many of the rivers closer to the coast, and some not so (especially after heavy rains) turn into sewers.
I've only been swimming in a river once and was severely ill.
Anyway, when you are sure your river or lake is clean, make sure it's not a protected area for preservation as pulling out rare weeds isn't a good idea.
Finally, I've found it very hard to identify plants and a lot of it is trial and error.
Some plants are annual or perannial and nned to flower. Many species are marginal and need a good part of the stem above the water.
I've had great success with something that seems related to caboma. The best luck with your search.

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