UK lfs

Pets at Home on Festival Park in Stoke on Trent for not removing dead fish and not having a clue when I was asking about a treatment for a common ailment (white spot).

I wouldnt agree with the "all Pets at Home" comment cos I have another one near me (Trent Vale) and they're quite good. Exception to the rule?
Pets at Home, Chelmsford for leaving a bag of deadfish on top of the public tanks on one visit and for having a dead molly floating around one of the tanks last time I was in there (last week). Also, for not having a clue about anything.
Waterlife at Longford

1) For selling dyed and hybrid fish.

2) For not feeding fish correctly, the last time we was there they had a tank full of emmaciated tiger shovelnoses close to death.

3) Keeping bettas in small unfiltered, unheated plastic goldfish bowls.

4) For having dead and diseased fish in the majority of their tanks.

Lynwood fish house at Hook

1) For selling dyed and hybrid fish.

2) For having disgusting dirty poorly maintained tanks.

3) For having dead fish often reduced to nothing but skeletons in many tanks.

4) For ingnorance and lack decent service beyond imagination
Betta Aquaria in Byker, Newcastle.

Had only 2, half dead, half eaten bettas in with the wrong fish and dyed parrots. Rest of the fish had poor labels (and expensive prices) and people did not know what they were doing. I looked at discus there and they were Ā£28 each for the same fish (if a smidge bigger) I got for Ā£6 from a breeder, the next day.

Pets at Home in Bangor, North Wales. I am so glad that I found this forum before I bought any fish - If I had followed Pets@homes advice then I would have had problems. Not a clue they just wanted to make a Sale. The amount of dead and ill fish in their tanks really turns my stomache..

Then again, their tanks etc, are still cheaper than anywhere else I could find so being a student I still had to by my tank from them... :(
Superpets, Worksop for:

Green tanks
Skeletons in the tanks
piranas unfed (eating each other)
Dead fish in, under and stuck to the tanks
Incorrect names of fish
Selling unidentified fish (handy once bought a young royal panique pleco for Ā£5!)
Selling at extortionate prices
Staff with the fish knowledge of a peanut

Okay my rant done for now :rofl:
Pets at home Leeds for leaving dead fish ON THE FLOOR OF THE SHOP and in the gaps between tanks *but* i have to say i haven't had any other problems with them aart from that :unsure:
Pets @ Home in Cheltenham
(For generally being rubbish and having no useful advice to give me as well as plenty of dead fish in the tanks.)


World Of Water - Just off the M5 south of Gloucester
(for having a crap selection of fish that werent labelled, and the good ones they had - ADFs etc weren't even priced!)

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