Types Of Fish

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Fish Crazy
Mar 17, 2013
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I just want to know what types of fish that are peaceful and compatible to the fish I already have.
Just now I have, 3 female platys, 2 mollys (1 dalmation, 1 silver), 5 neon tetras.
I also have fake plants, gravel substrate.
Your fish are compatible with hundreds if not thousands of other species... the list would be pretty endless!!
Your best bet is to take a notepad and pen (or your phone!) to your nearest shop and write down names of all the fish you really like (and include some that you would settle for as often there are a lot that get too big or aggressive that draw a lot of attention like the Tiger Barbs and Cichlids and Eels etc).
Share the list here and people can give you an idea of what's realistic based on the fish you like the look of! Rather than shouting random names of fish you might not be able to locate or like.
I'd start out by upping the numbers of the fish you already have.
This Old Spouse said:
I'd start out by upping the numbers of the fish you already have.
My tank is only 2 weeks old. 1 week was fishless, the other week was with 3 platys. I only bought the other fish yesterday. However adding too many fish quickly could be fatal?
Is there any colourful female platys out there? Also guppies we were thinking about.
Well, you're talking about adding fish in your opening statement. And yes, adding too many fish right away could be fatal, especially considering your tank probably isn't cycled yet. 

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