Type Of Fish For New Tank?


New Member
Feb 29, 2012
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Hello Everyone,

I was delighted to find a fish forum as I love pet fish and always wanted my own. Last weekend I went to a pet store and boought a 20 gallon kit with a stand,it included a complete starter kit and it's a fresh warm water tank. I followed the cleaning instructions washed the stuff for the set up I have put the water in and the conitioner stuff the instructions said. So now I am letting the tank run without any fish for a few ays.

What types of fish should I start with? although my tank is considered sall I would prefer not too tiny fish. I really like the clown fish they are beautiful but is it a good strter fish? any other suggestions?

here is a pic of the tank thus far u can also give me decording ideas


  • Toronto-20120228-00228 (1).jpg
    Toronto-20120228-00228 (1).jpg
    68.6 KB · Views: 44
:hi: to TFF!!!

First you'll need to cycle your tank. Just letting the filter run won't establish any of your good bacteria. Your best option is fishless cycling.Have a look around the beginners resource center. You also should never replace the filter media for future reference and I recommend you buy some extra media like ceramics and/or floss/sponge whatever you can fit in your filter. :good:
So you do have a heater right?
What do you mean clown fish (what species)?
sorry picture is side ways I am new to this thing.
Not on my iPhone but still need those questions answered as well as
What is your waters ph? Hardness? Test for ammonia and nitrites as well to be sure.
Also what dechlorinator do you have?
Do you have a liquid test kit (strips are pretty much useless) if not I suggest API freshwater master liquid test kit.
:hi: to TFF!!!

First you'll need to cycle your tank. Just letting the filter run won't establish any of your good bacteria. Your best option is fishless cycling.Have a look around the beginners resource center. You also should never replace the filter media for future reference and I recommend you buy some extra media like ceramics and/or floss/sponge whatever you can fit in your filter. :good:
So you do have a heater right?
What do you mean clown fish (what species)?

yes I have a heater
Clownfish Scientific name is Amphiprion percula--do know the movie finding nemo?

i will put a picture in my avi shortly.Thanks again for your reply and I will checkout the beginner's resource as well. The tank came with some substance that I pour in the water. I live in Tronto Canada so I guess I will have to check the water levels etc. to e sure.
The clown fish in the movie finding Nemo is saltwater sorry to say. I'm assuming it's a freshwater tank. Also that stuff in a bottle may help but without dosing ammonia you won't really be able to cycle your tank.
Got to back up what Man of fish said - clown fish are marine fish. That's not to say you can't keep them, but marine fish are much more complicated and hard work than freshwater fish and probably not the best place for a beginner to start. I've been fishkeeping for about 6 months now and I'm still nowhere near the point where I'd consider keeping marine fish.

All is not lost though - there are so many beautiful types of freshwater tropical fish out there for you to choose from!
Welcome to the forum Nemo28.
It turns out that the typical advice given to a new fish keeper is at best inadequate. What you need to do, right now, is read through the posts we have on fishless cycling. I have a link in my signature area that will take you there. After you have had a chance to start to understand that thread, please come back and ask any questions that you still have.

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