Tying Java Fern To Biorb Filter Rocks


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2012
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the Shire (GloucesterShire)
I got my first few aquarium plants, a pair of small Java Ferns for each tank (they didn't arrive in the best of health I might say, but nevermind). I read that you can't plant them in the substrate because the roots will rot, that they need to be tied to rocks or wood. I saw some biorb ceramic media rocks on a site and it said they could be used for tying plants to. However they are very small "rocks". So I have got a handful of rocks for each plant and bound the rocks together with the roots using small tights (which have been pre-soaked to remove anything harmful in the material). I hope that the way I have done this will be ok, and that the roots will not rot. Once the roots have established themselves to the rocks then perhaps I can remove the material.
You should be fine but you can also use super glue, works great, doesn't harm fish and in contact with water instantly hardens. :)
Just be careful with superglue as it does go white underwater and can stick out like a sore thumb if you blob it about too much (you can tell I speak from experience ;) )

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