Livestock: Discus
Quantity for sale: 2
Reason for Sale: Rescued from a LFS - Eventually may not be compatible with my tetras!
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: Free or swap for a few neon tetras
Postage & Packaging: N/A I will not post!
Location: Coventry, West Midlands
I will only give these away free if I know they are going to a good home with a nice sized tank and to someone who understands their requirements. It will only give them away as a pair as they are good friends! They both around 2.5" eat well and are very healthy.
If I have no interest or if I cannot find a good home then I will keep them for my upcoming upgrade tank.
Quantity for sale: 2
Reason for Sale: Rescued from a LFS - Eventually may not be compatible with my tetras!
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: Free or swap for a few neon tetras
Postage & Packaging: N/A I will not post!
Location: Coventry, West Midlands
I will only give these away free if I know they are going to a good home with a nice sized tank and to someone who understands their requirements. It will only give them away as a pair as they are good friends! They both around 2.5" eat well and are very healthy.
If I have no interest or if I cannot find a good home then I will keep them for my upcoming upgrade tank.