Fish Crazy
I'm not convinced there's anything I can do to help anymore...
Yesterday I noticed that Geisha, a pregnant female Guppy, was hovering at the top of the tank. She was very still, and for a second I thought she must be giving birth. But that wasn't the case as she's no where near ready yet. She stayed for a long time, and seemed to still be there when I came back off my morning walk. Then I noticed Lemon, my male Guppy, was sitting on the gravel. Just as Sunny had been doing before he died. This freaked me out, but this was before their morning water change. So I did change the water, taking out as much as I could with the Fish still being able to swim upright. I replaced all the water, treated of course, and then gave them all a lump of cucumber to try and get them interested. Geisha soon perked up again and gourged herself on the cucumber, along with the other two Guppy girls and the two Platy girls. Lemon still seemed tired, although he was trying to swim around. A bit later and I saw him eating some cucumber, but weather or not it's 'cause of his longer tail, he couldn't get himself in the right postition, with his tail in the air, to eat it properly. And later on the other Fish were starting to chase him away from it so he gave up.
This morning Geisha seems a bit better, but Lemon is still not well. Still sitting on the gravel a lot, but still swimming around as much as he can. It's exactly the same thing happening with him as was happening with Sunny. I've noticed this morning, too, that he seems underweight. Normaly he'd have a slight belly, but he seems flat. So then a part of me was wondering if maybe, with him being slower than the other Fish due to his longer tail, that maybe he just wasn't able to get enough food. I do always watch them eating, and he always seems to get just the same as everyone else though. But today I'll be putting him in a tupperware tub and feeding him some flakes of his own. I thought it was worth a shot, right? See if I can perk him up a bit.
But what I'm really thinking it that he's dieing... and maybe Geisha too. I don't want to admit it really, 'cause I don't really understand why it would happen. The only thing I can think it that the ammonia in the tap water (and therefor in the tank) has been building up inside him and has finally got to him?
I've been Fish-in cycling the tank since the 22nd May. And for most of that time the readings have been the same. No change at all (see my other posts about this)
Amonia: 0 / 0.5
PH: 6.4
KH: 50
GH: 125
Nirate: 10
Nirite: 0
This has been the same for both the main tank and the fry tank.
There has been no spike, no change. No up, no down. Nothing different. No new Fish, no new ornaments. No new bogwood or gravel. I've left the filter totally alone. I've been doing daily huge water changes, changing most of the water every morning. Treating it with declorinater before it goes in the tank. The only new thing is that I bought two tiny little plants at the begining of last week. But that can't be it, right?
Is there anything I can do to help Lemon and Geisha, or is this going to end up like it did for my other Fish? And in which case I would like peoples honest oppinions about what I should do. Knowing that if this is caused by ammonia poisoning, and therefor must feel horrable for Lemon and Geisha, I would like to know if people would recomend I put them to sleep now? I don't wish to keep them going if they're slowly suffercating from ammonia in their systems, as I believe was the case with my poor Sunny. It must feel awful. Would it be kinder to let them go?
Geisha is pregnant. If I was to put her to sleep, would I also put her babies to sleep or would it not effect them? How could I make sure they fall asleep with their mummy?
Of course I am very upset. It's hard for me not to cry through this to be honest, 'cause this is all my fault in the first place. But I need to be realistic and think of my Fish first. If they're going to suffer I want to put a stop to it now before they do. One way or another.
Thank you for any help in advance.
Yesterday I noticed that Geisha, a pregnant female Guppy, was hovering at the top of the tank. She was very still, and for a second I thought she must be giving birth. But that wasn't the case as she's no where near ready yet. She stayed for a long time, and seemed to still be there when I came back off my morning walk. Then I noticed Lemon, my male Guppy, was sitting on the gravel. Just as Sunny had been doing before he died. This freaked me out, but this was before their morning water change. So I did change the water, taking out as much as I could with the Fish still being able to swim upright. I replaced all the water, treated of course, and then gave them all a lump of cucumber to try and get them interested. Geisha soon perked up again and gourged herself on the cucumber, along with the other two Guppy girls and the two Platy girls. Lemon still seemed tired, although he was trying to swim around. A bit later and I saw him eating some cucumber, but weather or not it's 'cause of his longer tail, he couldn't get himself in the right postition, with his tail in the air, to eat it properly. And later on the other Fish were starting to chase him away from it so he gave up.
This morning Geisha seems a bit better, but Lemon is still not well. Still sitting on the gravel a lot, but still swimming around as much as he can. It's exactly the same thing happening with him as was happening with Sunny. I've noticed this morning, too, that he seems underweight. Normaly he'd have a slight belly, but he seems flat. So then a part of me was wondering if maybe, with him being slower than the other Fish due to his longer tail, that maybe he just wasn't able to get enough food. I do always watch them eating, and he always seems to get just the same as everyone else though. But today I'll be putting him in a tupperware tub and feeding him some flakes of his own. I thought it was worth a shot, right? See if I can perk him up a bit.
But what I'm really thinking it that he's dieing... and maybe Geisha too. I don't want to admit it really, 'cause I don't really understand why it would happen. The only thing I can think it that the ammonia in the tap water (and therefor in the tank) has been building up inside him and has finally got to him?
I've been Fish-in cycling the tank since the 22nd May. And for most of that time the readings have been the same. No change at all (see my other posts about this)
Amonia: 0 / 0.5
PH: 6.4
KH: 50
GH: 125
Nirate: 10
Nirite: 0
This has been the same for both the main tank and the fry tank.
There has been no spike, no change. No up, no down. Nothing different. No new Fish, no new ornaments. No new bogwood or gravel. I've left the filter totally alone. I've been doing daily huge water changes, changing most of the water every morning. Treating it with declorinater before it goes in the tank. The only new thing is that I bought two tiny little plants at the begining of last week. But that can't be it, right?
Is there anything I can do to help Lemon and Geisha, or is this going to end up like it did for my other Fish? And in which case I would like peoples honest oppinions about what I should do. Knowing that if this is caused by ammonia poisoning, and therefor must feel horrable for Lemon and Geisha, I would like to know if people would recomend I put them to sleep now? I don't wish to keep them going if they're slowly suffercating from ammonia in their systems, as I believe was the case with my poor Sunny. It must feel awful. Would it be kinder to let them go?
Geisha is pregnant. If I was to put her to sleep, would I also put her babies to sleep or would it not effect them? How could I make sure they fall asleep with their mummy?
Of course I am very upset. It's hard for me not to cry through this to be honest, 'cause this is all my fault in the first place. But I need to be realistic and think of my Fish first. If they're going to suffer I want to put a stop to it now before they do. One way or another.
Thank you for any help in advance.